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21/08/2006 20:12 - Transposing Instruments_Tabelle


I have here something about transposing instruments.
Please let me know if I made some mistakes.
This list will help to work more quickly in instrument
view (Ctrl+I).If one instrument sounds "-" you should use "+" value and
otherway round for instruments which sonds "+".

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Piccolo - 1 octave higher than written (+12 semitones)/ clef: TREBLE
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Alto Flute in G - a perfect 4th lower than written (-5 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Bass Flute - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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English Horn (in F) a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Oboe d'Amore in A - a minor 3rd lower than written (-3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Oboe - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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Heckelphone - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: TREBLE
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Contrabasoon - 1 0ctave lower than written (-12 semitones)/clef: Bass
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Clarinet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Clarinet in B-flat - a tone lower than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Clarinet in A - a minor 3rd lower than written (-3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Basset Horn in F - a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Alto Clarinet in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Bass Clarinet in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Contrabass Clarinet in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Contrabass Clarinet in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Sopranino Saxophone in E flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Soprano Saxophone in B-flat - a tone lowr than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Alto Saxophone in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Tenor Saxophone in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Saxophone in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Bass Saxophone in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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French Horn in F - a perfect 5th lower than written (-7 semitones)clef: TREBLE or BASS
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Trumpet in B-flat - a tone lower than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trumpet in D - a tone higher than written (+2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trumpet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Trombone in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Soprano Cornet in E-flat - a minor 3rd higher than written (+3 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Cornet in B-flat - a tone lowr than written (-2 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Tenor Horn in E-flat - a major 6th lower than written (-9 semitunes) clef: TREBLE
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Baritone Horn in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Euphonium in B-flat - 1 octave and a tone lower than written (-14 semitones)clef: TREBLE
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Tuba in E-flat - 1 octave and a major 6th lower than written (-21 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Tuba in B-flat - 2 octaves and a tone lower than written (-26 semitunes)clef: TREBLE
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Zlatoje P. - Germany

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